Disclaimer, all info in this blog are for entertainment purpose and a pure joke. All the story are fake one to let reader laugh. Do not take it for real and flame flame flame limbei. Just read and laugh. If you find it not funny or sibei unhappy with limbei's blogging style, please click next blog>> at top left corner.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

DEAR LIMBEI (Q&A with you dear Limbei)

To all my loyal ginna or reader, if you all got relationship problem or want ask how be pai kia or want help on pai kia problem can leave comment at end of this post or e-mail limbei if want privacy at gerald.limbei@gmail.com. No joke email or nt limbei wun reply, teens magazine got dear kelly. Limbei ownself make dear limbei, must rmb start with dear limbei in ur email. Rmb state if you allow limbei to post ur problem a not. If your email is sincere and real, limbei sumpa help you.


  1. Dear Limbei
    Eh limbei tao eh, i know you sibei pro in life. But i very different keep get bullied by my friends and i am only secondary 1 in a not so decent school. Can teach me how to scold them or make them stop it? Thank you in advance, hope you reply me :)

  2. Hi limbei gerald, what to do when people disturb me outside? sometimes i m alone then when i call, too late le:( thanx thanx

  3. oh ps, i forgot to say i am a girl. so dun ask me talk anyhow de :)

  4. @Sad and Emo Boy:
    I have seen many of your example last time when i schooling. I think most likely is because you very skinny and short, thats why those act pai kia people pick on you to bully. U can act pussy and bitch to your teacher and nothing gonna happen except the bully maybe very buey song. Limbei will write a guide in my next post to address this porblrm which sibei common nowaday in neighbourhood school

  5. @ Anonymous girl:
    First, for future comment, plz fake some name or watsoever, so i can address you properly, if nt i will @ anonymous to everyone, then hu will know who i replying to. Thanks for the trouble.

    Back to your problem, u mean when u outside like at bugis or town then got paikia come up kajiao you ask you jiao question? Limbei also like go around jiao those alone zabor and got owned by some before. Limbei will share my experience and maybe you can learn something.
    First, you should never walk alone especially when at night and if you wear sibei little or sibei chio. Always hang out with a bunch of zabor frens.
    Lets say you srsly alone and got a gang of paikia or indian(Cannot use racist word such as B****la or nt mata come close blog) come up to you. You must first try ignore and walk toward the more busy street or crowd. If they try to stop you like crowd around you or wat, try avoid if possible if really cannot, just tell them politely" Sorry but i need go meet my boyfriend ". Singapore pai kia generally not horny and wun dare rape or simi sai, just want play play around nia. Just look brave and dao them, they will find it no fun and walk off.
    Hope limbei got help you.
