Disclaimer, all info in this blog are for entertainment purpose and a pure joke. All the story are fake one to let reader laugh. Do not take it for real and flame flame flame limbei. Just read and laugh. If you find it not funny or sibei unhappy with limbei's blogging style, please click next blog>> at top left corner.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thank you chatbox supporter

Thank you xiaolang and liuhao for supporting limbei be the best tao eh of singapore. Limbei will soon jio you all out to have a admission test, the test got 3 paper so i will do brief intro about the test format to let you all prepare:

Paper 1: Student practise and examination (SPA)
Each of you will have to pass a test. First, go bugis find some ah beng and shoot a bubble tea pearl in his face. Must tio forehead then count. Then you wait the beng come u flame his mother and father till he sibei buey song want hum tam you. Then u must run away faster than him or wack him till he cant chase after you. After that you pass paper 1.

Paper 2: Multiple choice question( MCQ)
A simple MCQ paper will be taken from any random school. Then if you score>50%= fail
After you pass this, must do another paper set by limbei, also very easy one. Limbei give u a few example.
After tio daiji with mata what do you do?
(1) Run
(2) Bribe
(3) Chop mata and run
(4) Go home cry to mother

When jio zabor what to do
(1) Rape her
(2) Impress her with real diamond
(3) Act cool and pretend you dun want stead
(4) Walk off and let her chase after you

Actually, limbei also dun have answer so limbei will ownself decide and see you song a nt to let you pass.

Paper 3: Long answer question
This one most simple, sit down write a story. If limbei think story good enuff to let me post on blog you pass exam.

After you pass all 3 exam, must sit together with limbei and do the swear thing in front of a computer showing www.guanyinma.com, after that we sworn loyal. Huever break, guanyinma will find your daiji. Btw, guanyinma is our gang official guardian because limbei say so

@ xiaolang, i think you suitable join my anal department, ur job sibei easy, juz take long spoon and anal those people limbei buei song with. He cfm sibei paiseh, turn ahgua and bo ji come out find our trouble. Once got enuff member join, i will officially start ur department.

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